Med-IR: Your Partner in Infrared System Design and Development

Specializing in Infrared Detectors, Thermal Analysis, and Medical Applications of Infrared Thermography

Infrared systems, design, research and development
Infrared systems, design, research and development

Infrared System Design and Development

Our team of experts offers comprehensive design and development services for infrared systems, including numerical simulation and thermal analysis using COMSOL Multiphysics.

Infrared Detectors

We have extensive experience in the design, fabrication, and characterization of infrared detectors, particularly antenna-coupled microbolometers and antenna-coupled thermoelectric devices.

Medical Thermography, breast cancer, thyroid cancer diabetes
Medical Thermography, breast cancer, thyroid cancer diabetes

Medical Applications of Infrared Thermography

Our infrared thermography software and expertise in medical thermography can help thermography clinics and researchers in the correct use of thermography in the assessment of various medical conditions, including breast cancer, diabetes, and more.

About us

Med-IR is a research and development company specializing in infrared system design and development. With over 20 years of expertise in numerical simulation and thermal analysis using COMSOL Multiphysics, we offer comprehensive design and development services for infrared systems, including infrared detectors and medical applications using infrared thermography.

Trust Med-IR for your next infrared system design and development project.

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